Feast of Eden Soups

Frequently asked questions

Why are your soups frozen rather than canned?

Why are your soups frozen rather than canned?
When it comes to soup, freezing them is more ideal than canning as it locks in the nutritional value of the food itself.  With industrial pressure canning, the food is exposed to extreme heat (240-250 degrees Fahrenheit) for a period of time and this will cause the nutritional value and value of the food to degrade slightly.

Do you grow all the ingredients in your food products?

We do our best to grow the majority of produce that goes into our soups.  There are some ingredients such as seasonings, coconut milk, and cashews that are not feasible for us to produce in North Carolina.  However we take great care when sourcing our ingredients to ensure they are of the highest quality.

Do you offer shipping?

At this time we do not offer shipping.  However one of our long time supporters and partners Mother Earth Food offers home delivery to those residing in the Asheville area.

Where is the farm located?  Do you offer tours?

Our farm is located in Marshall, NC and our soup is made locally at a commercial kitchen in Asheville, NC.

How long do your soups last if kept frozen?

We put an expiration date of 6 months from the time the soup was made, however if kept frozen they will last much longer than this.

What is the best way to thaw your soups?

We recommend taking it out of the freezer the day before and placing it in the refrigerator to thaw out gradually.  

Cream Soup